Try our blueberry-melon salad recipe at for a refreshing treat. has the best fruit recipes like this blueberry melon salad...
Check out's Gingered Squash and Pear Soup Recipe, the perfect vegetable and fruit recipe to curl up with this fall. Only has...
Traditionally made with strawberries, meringue and thick, whipped cream, Eton mess is a proper British classic. I'm keeping it simple here and using shop-bought...
Take dessert to the next level with our Blackberry Pistachio Éclairs. These crisp pastries are filled with a smooth pistachio cream and topped with blackberries...
These creamy treats are far from sinful, thanks to a lowfat (and simple) combination of puréed fresh strawberries, vanilla yogurt and lemon juice with...
Try our PHILADELPHIA Easy Fruit Pizza for a sweet serving of happiness. With a cookie crust and cream cheese center, this easy fruit pizza will please...
Enjoy a Fruit Pizza so good you'll forget there was ever a savory version. Fruity, creamy, sweet. This Fruit Pizza is the sure-fire dessert contribution...
Check out these great PHILADELPHIA mini cheesecakes! The buzz about our 3-Step PHILADELPHIA Mini Cheesecakes is that they're simple, quick and delicious....
Try one of our longest-running hits with rave reviews: an Apple-Pear Crumble Pie! See what all the fuss is about with our five-star Apple-Pear Crumble...
Transform your greens with the help of this pear salad recipe. Turn some juicy pears into a grand celebration with the Mixed Green & Pear Salad, studded...
Make your day more colorful with our Berry Fruit Tart recipe. Fresh blackberries, raspberries and sliced strawberries combine delightfully with cream cheese...
Add a punch of flavor to your pan-seared trout with this Pan-Seared Trout with Melon Salsa recipe. We take this classic recipe to the next level by topping...
Browse free and fresh Strawberry Dessert Recipes from to enjoy the natural fruit flavor. We invite you to try our exclusive Healthy Dessert...
Keep it simple with our delicious Apple Cinnamon Monkey Bread recipe. This easy-to-make apple cinnamon monkey bread gets its fantastic flavors from refrigerated...